About us

The IEEE Power Electronics Society Zhejiang University Student Branch Chapter (IEEE PELS ZJU SBC) is a student organization established by graduate students in the field of electrical engineering at Zhejiang University. Approved by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) headquarters and the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), the branch was officially established in June 2022. The branch is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and open communication, aiming to create an international academic exchange platform for students and build a community for their growth.


IEEE PELS Zhejiang/Anhui/Jiangsu Branch Chapter Chair, Professor Min Chen from the School of Electrical Engineering, Professor Wuhua Li, the distinguished lecturer for IEEE PELS Asia-Pacific region, Researcher Yongheng Yang, Vice Chair of the IEEE PELS REST Committee, Associate Professor Shuai Shao, Vice Chair of the IEEE PELS China Conference Sub-Committee, and Professor Xinke Wu, Chair of the Power Management Innovation Consortium (PMIC), serve as the branch's faculty advisors and expert consultants.

Student Branch Chapter

Doctoral student Hongyi Chen from the School of Electrical Engineering serves as the inaugural chair of the branch chapter, with doctoral students Rujing Zhang and Yan Zhang as vice-chairs, and doctoral students Keming Liu and Jie Li as secretaries of the branch chapter.

About us - IEEE PELS Zhejiang University SBC

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   Cell phone:13888888888

